Become a Driving Instructor with ORDIT Driving Instructor Training Sessions.


  • Driving Instructors who are fully booked can earn over £50K a year.
  • Being self-employed gives you the flexibility to work around your personal life.
  • Seeing your pupils pass their driving tests can be a very satisfying.

The job involves:

  • A thorough knowledge of the theory and practice of driving.
  • Awareness of changes in the regulations for driving tests.
  • An ability to teach.
  • Business sense.
  • Good people skills.
  • Patience and understanding.


Dan Ison is amongst the UK's highest graded DVSA ORDIT trainers holding both the DVSA Cardington special grade A for Advanced driving (Part 2). And the ORDIT 1 Grade A 51/51 for instructional ability (Part 3).

All Ordit training and associated sessions are delivered by Dan Ison on a one-to-one basis using a culture of client centred learning. Advanced driving sessions in preparation for ADI Part 2 are provided in line with the National standard for driving cars and light vans. ADI Part 3 sessions use the most up to date educational approaches, including Role Play to National Standards 6.6.1 and 6.6.2., the most complex task a trainer can undertake.

Using a programme of Role play helps trainee driving instructors learn how to deal with the practical situations they may come across with their learners in real life. During Role play the trainee instructors confidence is developed by using accurate and supportive feedback, helping the trainee understand the learning achieved. This is not replicated by watching popular YouTube videos or participating in Zoom sessions which can leave trainees feeling like there are gaps in their knowledge.

All Ordit Interactive training sessions are blended with in car coaching and assessment, giving you the best chance of becoming a qualified driving instructor.